
How to install Weblogic 14c on RHEL 8

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Learn how to install WebLogic 14c on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8 with this step-by-step guide. Ensure a smooth installation process with detailed instructions and troubleshooting tips. #centlinux #linux #weblogic

What is Oracle WebLogic Server?

Oracle WebLogic Server is a leading enterprise-level application server designed for building and deploying robust, scalable, and high-performance web applications, enterprise applications, and services. It provides a comprehensive, standards-based platform that integrates Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) and other enterprise technologies. Key features and capabilities of Oracle WebLogic Server include:

  1. Java EE Support: Fully supports Java EE standards, allowing developers to leverage the extensive capabilities of Java for enterprise applications.
  2. Scalability and Performance: Optimized for high performance and scalability, making it suitable for large-scale, mission-critical applications.
  3. Reliability and High Availability: Provides features like clustering, load balancing, and failover to ensure continuous availability and reliability of applications.
  4. Integration Capabilities: Integrates seamlessly with other Oracle products and third-party applications, enabling the creation of complex, integrated enterprise systems.
  5. Security: Offers robust security features, including support for SSL/TLS, user authentication, authorization, and data encryption, ensuring secure application deployment and data protection.
  6. Management and Monitoring: Includes tools for managing, monitoring, and tuning applications, servers, and clusters, facilitating efficient administration and maintenance.
  7. Development Tools: Supports a range of development tools, including Oracle JDeveloper, Eclipse, and others, providing a flexible environment for application development and deployment.
  8. Microservices and Cloud-Native Support: Provides support for modern application architectures like microservices, as well as integration with Oracle Cloud and other cloud environments, enabling cloud-native development and deployment.

Oracle WebLogic Server is widely used in various industries for its robustness, flexibility, and ability to handle large-scale, enterprise-level workloads.

Recommended Book: Oracle WebLogic Server 12c Administration Handbook (PAID LINK) by Sam Alapati
Recommended Online Training: Weblogic 12c Middleware Fundamentals

Environment Specification

We are using a minimal Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 virtual machine with following specifications.

  • CPU – 3.4 Ghz (2 cores)
  • Memory – 4 GB
  • Storage – 40 GB
  • Operating System – Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4
  • Hostname –
  • IP Address – /24

Update Linux Software Packages

Use a SSH client to connect with machine as root user.

Update cache for all installed yum repositories.

# dnf makecache

Update Linux software packages by executing following command at bash prompt.

# dnf update -y

It may be possible that, the package manager may update the Linux Kernel. If it happens then, you should reboot your CentOS / RHEL 8 operating system with new Linux Kernel.

# reboot

After reboot, verify the Linux Kernel and Operating System versions.

# uname -r

# cat /etc/redhat-release
Red Hat Enterprise Linux release 8.4 (Ootpa)

Install Java EE on RHEL 8

Oracle WebLogic Server 14c is certified with Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 and 11. Therefore, you can install any of them on your Java EE application server.

Open Oracle JDK 11 Download Page in a web browser. You are also required to login to their website with a Single Sign-On credential.

Java EE Downloads

Download your preferred version of JDK installation package and transfer it to your CentOS / Red Hat Linux server.

Now, install the downloaded packages as follows.

# dnf localinstall -y jdk-11.0.11_linux-x64_bin.rpm

Obtain the installation location of your Java software by executing following command.

# rpm -ql jdk-11.0.11_linux-x64_bin.rpm

Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable in /etc/profile and the current Linux shell.

# echo "export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk-11.0.11" >> /etc/profile

# export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk-11.0.11

Verify the active Java version on your operating system.

# java -version
java version "11.0.11" 2021-04-20 LTS
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 18.9 (build 11.0.11+9-LTS-194)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 18.9 (build 11.0.11+9-LTS-194, mixed mode)

Weblogic 14c Pre-Installation Tasks

Create the necessary operating system users and groups to own WebLogic software.

# groupadd -g 1001 oinstall
# useradd -u 1001 -g oinstall oracle
# passwd oracle
Changing password for user oracle.
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Create a directory to install WebLogic software and set necessary permissions thereon.

# mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/product/14.1.1
# chown -R oracle:oinstall /u01/app
# chmod -R 775 /u01

Install Weblogic 14c on Linux

Go to Weblogic Download Page by using a web browser.

Oracle Weblogic Server Downloads

Download the Generic Installer for Oracle Weblogic 14c from above website and transfer it to your Linux server.

The downloaded package is in ZIP format, therefore, you may need the unzip utility to extract it.

Install unzip by using dnf command.

# dnf install -y unzip

Switch to oracle user.

# su - oracle

Edit .bash_profile of oracle user in vim text editor.

$ vi .bash_profile

Add following environment variables in this file.

export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle
export ORACLE_HOME=$ORACLE_BASE/product/14.1.1
export WLS_HOME=$MW_HOME/wlserver
export DOMAIN_BASE=$ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains
export DOMAIN_HOME=$DOMAIN_BASE/base_domain

Execute the .bash_profile script to set environment variables for current Linux shell.

$ . ~/.bash_profile

Execute unzip command to extract Weblogic Generic Installer.

$ unzip
  inflating: fmw_14.

Execute the Generic Installer JAR file by using following java command.

$ java -jar fmw_14.
Launcher log file is /tmp/OraInstall2021-05-18_07-16-01AM/launcher2021-05-18_07-16-01AM.log.
Extracting the installer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done
Checking if CPU speed is above 300 MHz.   Actual 2394.575 MHz    Passed
Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors.  Passed
Checking swap space: must be greater than 512 MB.   Actual 2175 MB    Passed
Checking temp space: must be greater than 300 MB.   Actual 30559 MB    Passed

Some system prerequisite checks failed.
You must fulfill these requirements before continuing.

Continue? (yes [y] / no [n]) [n]
You have confirmed that the product can be installed on this platform.
Continuing with the installation.

Preparing to launch the Oracle Universal Installer from /tmp/OraInstall2021-05-18_07-16-01AM

If you are installing on a Linux server with no graphical support, then you have to configure X11 forwarding by using PuTTY and XMing to get the graphical output at client console.

Oracle Inventory Setup

Set the OraInventory directory and click on ‘Next’ button.

Weblogic 14c Installer Welcome Page

You are on the welcome page. Click on ‘Next’.

Weblogic 14c Auto Updates

Select ‘Skip Auto Updates’ and click ‘Next’.

Oracle Weblogic Server – Installation Location

Set the Oracle Home directory here and move to ‘Next’ screen.

Oracle Weblogic Server – Installation Type

Select the components that you want to install on your application server. You can either install Weblogic Server, Coherence or both.

Oracle Weblogic Server – Prerequisites Checks

Click on ‘Next’.

Oracle Weblogic Server – Installation Summary

Click on ‘Install’ button.

Oracle Weblogic Server – Installation Progress

Click on ‘Next’.

Oracle Weblogic Server – Installation Completed

Uncheck ‘Automatically Launch the Quickstart Configuration Wizard’ and click on ‘Finish’.

Post-Installation Configurations

If you are planning to deploy a Fusion Middleware product over your WebLogic application server, then you must skip the configuration step. Because the configurations will be performed by the respective FMW product.

Otherwise, you can configure WebLogic Server by executing following script.

$ /u01/app/oracle/product/14.1.1/oracle_common/common/bin/
Weblogic 14c – Create New Domain

Create a Domain for your Weblogic application server.

Weblogic 14c – Product Templates

Select a template to create the domain. Click ‘Next’.

Weblogic 14c – Administrator Account

Set a strong password for Weblogic Server administrative user.

Weblogic 14c – Domain Mode and JDK

Select the Domain Mode and JDK for your Application Server.

Weblogic 14c – Advanced Configuration

Click on ‘Next’.

Weblogic 14c – Configuration Summary

Click on ‘Create’.

Weblogic 14c – Configuration Progress

Click on ‘Next’.

Weblogic 14c – End of Configuration

Click on ‘Finish’.

WebLogic Server has been configured successfully.

To grant access of your application server to network clients, allow the default service port of WebLogic server in Linux firewall.

# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=7001/tcp
# firewall-cmd --reload

Whenever you start the Weblogic service, it will always ask you for a username / password.

To automate it, you can define the credentials in file.

$ mkdir -p $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/
$ echo "username=weblogic" > $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/
$ echo "password=weblogic123" >> $DOMAIN_HOME/servers/AdminServer/security/

Start the Oracle Weblogic Server 14c by executing following script.


Browse URL in a web browser e.g. Google Chrome.

Weblogic 14c – Administration Console Login

Login as Administrative user.

Weblogic 14c – Administration Console

You have reached at the Weblogic Administrative Console.

Read Also: How to install Weblogic 12c on CentOS 8

Final Thoughts

If you found this guide on installing Oracle WebLogic Server 14c on RHEL 8 helpful and need further assistance, consider hiring a professional. I offer comprehensive installation, configuration, and troubleshooting services for WebLogic Server and other enterprise technologies.

Check out my Fiverr profile for more details and to book a service: Linux Server Administrator

Let’s ensure your enterprise applications are up and running smoothly!

Alaric Bird

Alaric Bird is a seasoned Linux System Administrator with over a decade of experience in managing and optimizing Linux-based servers and infrastructure. Known for his expertise in server deployment, security hardening, and performance tuning, Alaric has a deep understanding of various Linux distributions, including Ubuntu, CentOS, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. His skills extend to cloud platforms like AWS, where he effectively manages virtual private servers and services. Alaric is also proficient in scripting languages such as Bash and Python, which he uses to automate routine tasks, enhancing efficiency and reliability. With a strong commitment to continuous learning, he stays updated with the latest developments in open-source technologies and best practices. His problem-solving abilities, combined with excellent communication skills, make him a valuable asset to any IT team. In addition to his technical expertise, Alaric is passionate about mentoring junior administrators and fostering a collaborative environment.

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