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14 Basic Podman Commands for Beginners

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Discover the 10 most essential Podman commands for beginners. Learn how to install, run, and manage containers effortlessly with this step-by-step guide. Perfect for those new to Podman and containerization! #centlinux #linux #docker


Containers have revolutionized how we deploy and manage applications, and Podman is at the forefront of this movement. It’s a container management tool that provides a seamless experience for building, running, and maintaining containers. Whether you’re transitioning from Docker or just starting with containerization, learning Podman’s basic commands is essential. Unlike Docker, Podman operates without a daemon, supports rootless containers, and emphasizes security and flexibility.

Let’s dive into the fundamental Podman commands that every beginner should know.

14 Basic Podman Commands for Beginners

Installing Podman

Before using Podman, you’ll need to install it on your system. Here’s how you can get started:

sudo apt update 
sudo apt install podman
brew install podman
winget install Podman

After installation, verify that Podman is installed correctly by checking its version.

Basic Podman Commands for Beginners

1. Checking Podman Version

To ensure Podman is installed and working, use the following command:

podman --version

This displays the installed version of Podman. Keeping Podman updated ensures access to the latest features and bug fixes.

2. Running Your First Docker Container

Start experimenting with containers by running a simple image. For example, use the alpine image:

podman run -it alpine

3. List Running Docker Containers

To view all active containers, use:

podman ps

The output shows container details like ID, name, status, and ports. If no containers are running, the table will be empty. This command is your go-to for monitoring active containers.

4. Stop a Running Docker Container

Sometimes you need to stop a container. Use the following command with the container’s ID or name:

podman stop <container_id_or_name>

Replace <container_id_or_name> with the actual ID or name from the podman ps command. This halts the container gracefully.

5. Removing Docker Containers

Stopped containers take up disk space. Remove them using:

podman rm <container_id_or_name>

This permanently deletes the container. Remember, you cannot remove a running container—stop it first.

6. Pulling a Container Image

To run containers, you’ll need images. Use the following command to download an image from a container registry:

podman pull <image_name>

For example, pull the latest Ubuntu image:

podman pull ubuntu

7. Listing Container Images

Check which container images are available locally with:

podman images

This displays a table with image details like repository name, tag, and size. Use this to manage and review your container images.

8. Building a Custom Image

You can create custom container images using a Containerfile or Dockerfile. Use the following command:

podman build -t <image_name> .

This builds an image in the current directory using the file provided. For example:

podman build -t my-custom-app .

9. Inspecting Containers and Images

Get detailed information about a container or image using:

podman inspect <container_or_image>

The output is in JSON format, providing insights into configuration, environment variables, and more. This command is invaluable for debugging.

10. Viewing Container Logs

When debugging, viewing container logs is critical. To see logs for a specific container, use:

podman logs <container_id_or_name>

For example, if your container is named webserver, the command would be:

podman logs webserver

You can use the --follow flag to monitor real-time logs:

podman logs --follow <container_id_or_name>

This is particularly useful for tracking issues in applications running inside your containers.

11. Creating and Managing Pods

Podman supports pods, allowing you to run multiple Docker containers together in an isolated environment. To create a pod, use:

podman pod create --name <pod_name>

For example:

podman pod create --name my-pod

After creating a pod, you can add containers to it using the --pod flag:

podman run --pod my-pod -d nginx

This is ideal for microservices or applications requiring shared networking and storage.

12. Executing Commands in Docker Containers

Sometimes, you need to interact with a running container. Use the following command to execute commands inside a container:

podman exec -it <container_id_or_name> <command>

For instance, to access a bash shell in a running container:

podman exec -it <container_id_or_name> bash

This is particularly helpful for diagnosing and resolving issues inside containers.

13. Exporting and Importing Docker Containers

For portability or backups, you can export containers to a file:

podman export -o <filename.tar> <container_id_or_name>

To re-import a container later, use:

podman import <filename.tar>

These commands are essential for moving containers between environments or saving their state.

14. Displaying Help and Manual Pages

If you’re ever stuck, Podman’s built-in help is invaluable. To get a list of all available commands, use:

podman help

For detailed information about a specific command, append the command name:

podman help run

This provides examples and explanations, making it easier to understand complex features.

Recommended Training: Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) with Practice Tests from Mumshad Mannambeth, KodeKloud Training


Congratulations! You’ve learned the 10 most essential Podman commands for beginners. With these, you can confidently manage containers, images, and pods. Podman’s versatility and security make it a powerful tool for developers and system administrators alike. As you gain more experience, dive deeper into advanced Podman features like volume management, container networking, and systemd integration.

Containers are the future of application deployment, and mastering Podman ensures you stay ahead in this evolving landscape.

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  1. What is Podman, and why is it a good alternative to Docker?
    Podman is a container management tool that operates without a daemon, offers rootless containers, and prioritizes security. It’s a great Docker alternative for lightweight and secure container management.
  2. Can I use Docker commands with Podman?
    Yes! Podman is compatible with most Docker commands. You can even alias docker to podman for a seamless transition.
  3. How does Podman handle rootless containers?
    Podman allows non-root users to create and manage containers, enhancing security and minimizing risks associated with running containers as root.
  4. How do I troubleshoot issues in Podman?
    Use commands like podman logs to check container logs, podman inspect for detailed information, and podman help for command guidance. Additionally, refer to Podman’s official documentation.
  5. Where can I find additional resources to learn Podman?
    Visit Podman’s official website, read the documentation, or explore community forums and tutorials for advanced tips and tricks.
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