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Discover effective methods to disable USB ports on Linux systems. Learn step-by-step techniques and best practices for securing your device against unauthorized access and potential security threats. #centlinux #linux #cybersecurity

Why should you disable USB Ports in Linux?

Disabling USB ports in Linux can be a security measure to prevent unauthorized access or data theft. It helps in safeguarding sensitive information, protecting against malware, and preventing potential security breaches caused by unauthorized USB devices. Additionally, disabling USB ports can be useful in environments where strict data access control is necessary, such as in corporate or government settings, or in scenarios where the introduction of external devices poses a risk to the integrity of the system.

Pros and Cons of Disabling USB ports in Linux

Certainly, here are the pros and cons of disabling USB ports in Linux:


  1. Enhanced Security: Prevents unauthorized access and reduces the risk of malware infection via USB drives.
  2. Data Protection: Minimizes the chance of data leakage or theft through unauthorized external storage devices.
  3. Compliance: Helps organizations comply with security standards and regulations by implementing strict access controls.
  4. Stability: Reduces potential system instability caused by incompatible or faulty USB devices.
  5. Control: Administrators have greater control over peripheral usage, ensuring only approved devices are connected.


  1. Limitation on Connectivity: Disabling USB ports can hinder the use of legitimate USB devices, such as keyboards, mice, printers, or external storage devices.
  2. Inconvenience: Users may find it inconvenient to have limited or no access to USB ports, especially in environments where they rely heavily on external devices.
  3. Compatibility Issues: Certain hardware components or peripherals may require USB connectivity, and disabling USB ports could lead to compatibility issues.
  4. Administrative Overhead: Enforcing USB port restrictions may require additional administrative effort, such as configuring and managing access controls.
  5. Potential Workarounds: Advanced users or attackers may find ways to bypass USB port restrictions, albeit with difficulty.

Overall, the decision to disable USB ports in Linux should consider the balance between security needs and operational requirements, weighing the advantages against the potential drawbacks and ensuring that any restrictions implemented align with organizational goals and user needs.

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Method 1 – Fake Install

In this method, we add a line ‘install usb-storage /bin/true’ which causes the ‘/bin/true’ to run instead of installing usb-storage module & that’s why it’s also called ‘Fake Install’.

To do this, execute the following command to create a file named ‘fake_usb.conf’ in the folder ‘/etc/modprobe.d’.

# echo 'install usb-storage /bin/true' > /etc/modprobe.d/fake_usb.conf

Method 2 – Removing the USB driver

By using this method, you can remove/relocate the driver file for usb-storage (i.e usb_storage.ko) from your machines, thus making it impossible to access a usb-storage device from your Linux machine.

Execute the following command, to relocate the driver from it’s default location.

# mv /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/usb/storage/usb-storage.ko /home/centlinux

Now the driver is not available at it’s default location, thus it would not be loaded when a usb-storage device is attached to the Linux system and the device would not be able to work.

But this method has one drawback that whenever the Linux Kernel is updated the usb-storage driver is also reinstalled at its default location.

Method 3 – Blacklisting USB-storage

You can also blacklist usb-storage using the file ‘/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf’. To blacklist usb-storage, execute the following command at Linux commandline.

# echo 'blacklist usb-storage' >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

USB-storage will now be blocked on your Linux system. This method has one downside i.e. any privileged user can load the usb-storage module by executing the following command.

$ sudo modprobe usb-storage

This issue makes this method somewhat not desirable but it works well for non-privileged users.

Reboot your system after the changes.

If you are new to Linux and facing difficulty in working at Linux Bash prompt. We recommend that, you should read The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition: A Complete Introduction by William Shotts.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, understanding the best methods to disable USB ports in Linux can significantly enhance security and protect against potential threats. By implementing effective strategies, you can safeguard sensitive data, mitigate risks, and ensure compliance with security standards. Whether for personal or organizational use, prioritizing USB port security is essential in today’s digital landscape.

If you need assistance with configuring USB port restrictions or other Linux-related tasks, feel free to reach out to me on Fiverr for professional assistance tailored to your specific needs. Let’s work together to strengthen your Linux system’s security and resilience.

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