How to install CNTLM on Linux

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Discover how to install CNTLM on Linux for seamless proxy authentication. Step-by-step instructions to configure and optimize your proxy setup. #centlinux #linux

Problem Statement:

This article is for the system administrators, who install Linux servers with minimal option and then install the required packages from yum repository. But if your network uses a Proxy Server to access the Internet, things get change. yum unable to see thru the proxy, and can not be used. CNTLM (Fast NTLM Authentication Proxy in C) is a local proxy server, that can be used with many Linux utilities like yum, wget, etc.

In this article, we will install CNTLM on Linux, to enable the yum to see thru Network Proxy Server.

System Specification:

We are considering that the reader may already know how to configure a yum repository. Please read our previous post Local Yum Repository in CentOS 6.5 to get an understanding of yum repository configuration.

CPU3.4 Ghz (2 Core)
Memory2 GB
Operating SystemCentOS 6.3 Server
How to install CNTLM on Linux
How to install CNTLM on Linux

Configure CNTLM on CentOS 6:

From your linux box, when you try to run it will give you a connectivity error.

# yum repolist

Download package cntlm-0.92.3-1.x86_64.rpm from

Copy the downloaded rpm to the linux server and install it.

Once the CNTLM is installed, configure it according to your need.

# vi /etc/cntlm.conf

Update username, domain, password and proxy address.

# mkdir /var/run/cntlm
# chown cntlm:cntlm /var/run/cntlm/
# service cntlmd start
# service cntlmd status

Configure yum to use CNTLM.

# vi /etc/yum.conf

and add following directive.


Now, try perform some action with yum command to check whether it can access the repository via CNTLM.

# yum repolist

Now our yum server using a route to public yum repositories, through CNTLM local proxy server.

Conclusion – Install CNTLM on Linux:

In conclusion, installing CNTLM on Linux is a straightforward process that can significantly simplify proxy authentication, especially in environments with strict access controls. By following the outlined steps, you can configure and optimize CNTLM to meet your specific needs, ensuring secure and efficient internet access. Whether for personal use or in enterprise settings, CNTLM proves to be a valuable tool for managing proxy authentication seamlessly.

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One response to “How to install CNTLM on Linux”

  1. Unknown Avatar

    This worked. Great work. Thank you.

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