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AlmaLinux is an open-source fork of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) built by CloudLinux. In this article, you will see AlmaLinux 8 minimal installation with screenshots. #centlinux #linux #almalinux

What is AlmaLinux?

AlmaLinux is a new Linux distro, initially forked from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 8. Due to the discontinuation of CentOS Linux, the most widely used free and open source, server grade operating system. The community is desperately looking for CentOS 8 alternatives. The CloudLinux is the first company that took the initiative to provide the AlmaLinux (Forever-Free-Enterprise-Grade Operating System) that was 1:1 binary compatible fork of RHEL 8.

As a standalone, completely free OS, AlmaLinux enjoys $1M in annual sponsorship from CloudLinux Inc. Launched with the code-name Project Lenix, AlmaLinux is an open-source, community-driven project that intends to fill the gap left by the demise of the CentOS Linux operating system.

Read Also: Rocky Linux vs AlmaLinux: Choose the Right Distribution

Environment Specification

We are using a Linux KVM virtual machine with following vm hardware specification.

  • CPU – 3.4 Ghz (2 cores)
  • Memory – 2 GB
  • Storage – 20 GB
  • Operating System – AlmaLinux 8.0
  • Hostname –

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AlmaLinux Downloads for Minimal ISO

Currently, the Beta version of AlmaLinux is released and you can download ISO from their website.

AlmaLinux Webpage
AlmaLinux Webpage
AlmaLinux Downloads
AlmaLinux Downloads

Here, we are installing AlmaLinux 8 minimal software packages, therefore we have downloaded AlmaLinux-8.3-beta-1-x86_64-minimal.iso.

Boot from AlmaLinux ISO

You can either burn the downloaded ISO of Linux operating system into a DVD if installing on a stand alone system, or you can directly attach the ISO file in the VMware, if you are installing on a virtual machine.

Start your server machine and attach the DVD/ISO to boot from DVDROM.

After POST (Power on Self Test) the server will boot from DVD/ISO and will display the following menu.

Boot from AlmaLinux ISO
Boot from AlmaLinux ISO

Select “Install AlmaLinux 8” and press <ENTER>.

AlmaLinux Installer Loading
AlmaLinux Installer Loading
AlmaLinux Starting Installer
AlmaLinux Starting Installer
AlmaLinux Language Selection
AlmaLinux Language Selection

After loading AlmaLinux setup, the installer will display the Language selection screen. You can select your preferred Language for the installation process and press “Continue”.

AlmaLinux Installation Summary 1
AlmaLinux Installation Summary 1

You are now at the Installation Summary screen. You can customize your AlmaLinux installation from here.

Set Installation Destination for AlmaLinux 8

First of all click on the “Installation Destination” to setup hard disk and partitions for your Linux machine.

AlmaLinux Installation Destination
AlmaLinux Installation Destination

The default are quiet enough to setup AlmaLinux server. However, you can also configure basic to advance storage option like RAID, LVM, etc. from here.

Click on “Done”.

AlmaLinux Installation Summary 2
AlmaLinux Installation Summary 2

AlmaLinux Software Selection:

Go to “Software Selection” to choose the software packages that you want to install.

AlmaLinux 8 Software Selection 1
AlmaLinux 8 Software Selection 1

By default, Base Environment:Server is selected. But we are performing AlmaLinux 8 minimal installation, therefore you have to select Base Environment:Minimal Install.

AlmaLinux 8 Software Selection 2
AlmaLinux 8 Software Selection 2

Click on “Done”.

AlmaLinux Installation Summary 3
AlmaLinux Installation Summary 3

AlmaLinux Network Configurations:

You are now back at the “Installation Summary” screen.

Now, go to “Network & Host Name” to configure network settings of your Linux server.

AlmaLinux Network and Hostname 1
AlmaLinux Network and Hostname 1

Ethernet connection is OFF by default, turn it ON and the connection will received the network settings from your DHCP server.

AlmaLinux Network and Hostname 2
AlmaLinux Network and Hostname 2

You can also set the HOSTNAME of your Linux server from this screen.

Press “Done” after completing network configurations.

AlmaLinux Installation Summary 4
AlmaLinux Installation Summary 4

Set SuperUser Password on AlmaLinux 8:

At the “Installation Summary” again. Click on “Root Password” to set the superuser password for your AlmaLinux server.

AlmaLinux - Set Root Password
AlmaLinux – Set Root Password

Set a strong password for root user and click on “Done”.

AlmaLinux Installation Summary 5
AlmaLinux Installation Summary 5

Create User on AlmaLinux Operating System:

You have again reached the “Installation Summary” screen.

To create a operating system user click on the “User Creation” option.

AlmaLinux - Create User
AlmaLinux – Create User

Create a user by providing necessary details in this page. You can also create an admin user if you check the option “Make this user administrator” option.

Click on “Done”.

AlmaLinux Installation Summary 6
AlmaLinux Installation Summary 6

Begin AlmaLinux 8 Minimal Installation:

All installation options are configured successfully. Click on “Begin Installation” to start AlmaLinux 8 minimal installation.

AlmaLinux Installation Progress 1
AlmaLinux Installation Progress 1
AlmaLinux Installation Progress 2
AlmaLinux Installation Progress 2
AlmaLinux Installation Progress 3
AlmaLinux Installation Progress 3
AlmaLinux Installation Completed
AlmaLinux Installation Completed

When installation completed, click on “Reboot System”.

AlamLinux 8 GRUB Menu
AlamLinux 8 GRUB Menu

After reboot, the computer system will display the GRUB boot menu. Press <ENTER> or wait for 5 sec timeout.

AlamLinux Login
AlamLinux Login

After operating system startup, you will see the Linux Commandline (CLI) based login prompt on your computer screen.

Enable Cockpit Web UI in AlmaLinux 8:

Login as root user.

AlmaLinux Bash Prompt
AlmaLinux Bash Prompt

Enable Cockpit web UI by executing systemctl command at Linux Bash prompt.

The Cockpit service is by default enabled in AlmaLinux firewall. Therefore, no firewall configurations are required right now.

Access Cockpit Web UI

Open URL in a web browser.

AlmaLinux Cockpit Login
AlmaLinux Cockpit Login

Login as root user.

AlmaLinux Cockpit Dashboard
AlmaLinux Cockpit Dashboard

After successful login, you will reach at the dashboard of the Cockpit Web UI. You can perform many administrative tasks from here.

If you are new to Linux and facing difficulty in working at Linux Bash prompt. We recommend that, you should read The Linux Command Line, 2nd Edition: A Complete Introduction by William Shotts.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, performing a minimal installation of AlmaLinux 8 ensures a lightweight, efficient, and secure server setup tailored to your specific needs. This approach minimizes resource usage and potential vulnerabilities, providing a solid foundation for further customization and application deployment.

For a detailed, step-by-step guide complete with screenshots, check out my Fiverr gig Linux Admin. I offer comprehensive installation services to help you set up your AlmaLinux 8 environment quickly and correctly. Get professional assistance to streamline your installation process and achieve optimal results.

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